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Dry Pasta & Noodles - Dry Pasta & Noodles

De Cecco Acini Di Pepe - 16 Oz Box


• GMO free, no trans fat, no saturated fat, no added sugar
• Good source of protein, thiamin, folic acid, iron, riboflavin and Niacin 
• Premium quality semolina pasta produced by renowned De Cecco pasta maker
• Each corn has a 0.080 diameter
• Made in Italy, kosher certified

Acini di Pepe are a very small type of pasta specially made to be cooked in broth. Probably created to appeal to children - the most habitual consumers of baby food and soups- they have the shape of pepper seeds. They are especially indicated in the preparation of clear soups, such as broths or consommè, also enriched with croutons or vegetables cut into thin strips. They can also be combined with tied soups

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